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For Homeowners

Solar Energy and Schools: Become a School of Tomorrow, Today

Schools are a hub for events, activities, and growth in every community, which is why they make great candidates for solar power installations.

When it comes to solar power, the bigger and busier a building is, the more it can actually benefit from a solar system.

From the large and unused roof real estate of schools to their significant energy consumption, schools can be a powerhouse of solar energy creation, which can lower their bills, educate on green energy, and show community commitment.

Are solar systems insurable, What should I look for?

These questions are often asked when homeowners first start looking at getting a solar system.

Like any addition to your home, you want to make sure that it is safe, secure and covered in case something happens that could cause damage.

The answer is simple: Yes – and it is easier than you think.

What is net-metering and is it the right solar program for me?

When you look into buying a solar system, it is impossible to read articles and frequently-asked-questions across the internet and not come across the topic of net-metering.

After reading through endless pages, you’re probably wondering: is it for me?

First, let’s start with the basics.

Think Solar Isn’t Effective During the Winter? Think Again

For many Canadians looking to invest in a solar system for their homes and business, how effective the system will be year-round is often a top-of-mind question.

Specifically, they want to know if snow could hinder their ability to produce energy.