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5 Smart Ways to Green Your Home

When we think of the cities of the future, we usually imagine something out of Blade Runner, a place where lights flash and buildings tower above drones and robots. Ribbons of hovering vehicles hang in the air, not a tree in sight anywhere. “Green” and “digital” don’t usually go hand-in-hand.

Nothing could be further from the truth. By all predictions, smart devices—products designed to adjust to behavior and conditions—will allow homeowners to be even greener than ever. Smart home devices have the power to save energy and water, monitoring consumption and creating energy-efficient settings.

It’s like having your mom remind you to turn off the lights—if your mom sent notifications to your phone. Here’s how it all works.

Winter Is Coming: 5 Strategies for Low Winter Energy Bills

Let the Sun in South-facing Windows

The sun is low in the sky in the winter which allows it to stream in through your windows. In the northern hemisphere, south-facing windows and to a lesser extent east and west-facing windows can gradually heat your home with free solar energy.

There is a lot you can do to take greater advantage of passive solar energy by letting the sun stream in your southern windows.

Don’t toss those batteries: common household goods that can be recycled

You’ve got your kitchen recycling program on lock. You’ve memorized the kinds of plastics your service accepts. You can break down a cardboard container in five seconds flat. You’re considering starting a side...

Ways to Renovate—and Save—Using Recycled Materials

These days, it’s easy to get excited about a new kitchen update or bedroom renovation (thanks, Pinterest!). The trick is not to empty your savings account in the process. Even small projects and upgrades can tu...