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Archive for author: Team Brightworks

4 myths about renewable energy—Busted!

In 2016, renewable energy was responsible for two-thirds of all new energy generation capacity globally, with solar PV leading the way.

Solar energy is now surpassing coal, nuclear, and natural gas for new capacity. Renewable energy technology and pricing have changed dramatically in the last decade, but there are still many myths about renewable energy that persist.

Should homeowners finance or lease solar power systems

There are now a variety of solar loans that allow solar shoppers to install a system for no money down! These loans do have associated fees that get passed down to the customers, but can still result in significant cost savings over time.

Until recently, solar leases were a very popular way for homeowners to go solar. For as little as no money down, a family could get a solar system installed on their roof.

Are Solar Panel Warranties Important?

Many solar shoppers are getting savvier. They are getting multiple bids from solar contractors for residential PV systems, but this can also cause confusion.

Once receiving these solar bids, shoppers must wade through a sea of solar equipment options, and it can be difficult to make an informed decision. It is important to closely examine the quality of the solar equipment before making a purchasing decision.

Solar panel warranties can vary among manufacturers, making it an important consideration before going solar. Product warranties help protect consumers enabling solar energy to be a safer long-term investment.

5 Smart Ways to Green Your Home

When we think of the cities of the future, we usually imagine something out of Blade Runner, a place where lights flash and buildings tower above drones and robots. Ribbons of hovering vehicles hang in the air, not a tree in sight anywhere. “Green” and “digital” don’t usually go hand-in-hand.

Nothing could be further from the truth. By all predictions, smart devices—products designed to adjust to behavior and conditions—will allow homeowners to be even greener than ever. Smart home devices have the power to save energy and water, monitoring consumption and creating energy-efficient settings.

It’s like having your mom remind you to turn off the lights—if your mom sent notifications to your phone. Here’s how it all works.