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For Businesses


Handling complex solar system upgrades, ensuring seamless transitions and minimal disruptions.

Brightworks Energy’s CEO, Bobby MacCannell, shares how Brightworks tackles the challenges of removing and reinstalling solar systems with precision. He explains how our detailed planning and coordination minimizes onsite disruptions, making us a leader in solar upgrades.

Deep Dive
I recently had a fascinating discussion with one of our customers about the crucial upcoming season for removal and reinstallation, especially for our FIT one contracts.

The Importance of Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Systems in Commercial Properties

The significance of renewable energy has been brought into sharp relief in recent years.

Bobby MacCannell discusses the significance of rain management systems in ensuring the longevity and efficiency of custom solar panel installations

Our President and Founder Bobby MacCannell was featured in a recent article on pvbuzz. The article discusses the importance of effective rain management systems in solar panel installations. It highlights an ...

Canada’s new solar investment tax incentive, and others are a big win for the industry

The Canadian government introduced a 30% refundable tax credit for capital investments in renewable energy — including solar, wind, tidal, wave, and hydroelectric projects.