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The Skinny on Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

Many of us love the idea of energy efficient light bulbs. When it comes down to it, however, we often stick with the old incandescent light bulbs, mistakenly believing that they are a cheaper alternative to their energy efficient competitors.

Though we’re creatures of habit, making the switch to energy efficient light bulbs can actually save you substantial cash in the long term, in addition to helping make your home or business more environmentally sustainable.

So, how do energy efficient bulbs stack up, and which type is best?

Redesigning building facades to enhance the energy efficiency of buildings

Recently, two researchers from School of Building Engineering at UPM have developed a ventilated façade with a double chamber and flow control device that significantly saves energy in buildings. This sustainable and efficient solution can be applied in both rehabilitation works and new buildings due to its simplicity of implementation.

The facade is the main constructive element of a building that allows us to meet the requirements of energy efficiency and interior comfort established in the national and international rules and directives of the construction sector. The type of system, the design and the right execution of the façade itself are critical aspects that determine the final energy consumption of the building.

4 myths about renewable energy—Busted!

In 2016, renewable energy was responsible for two-thirds of all new energy generation capacity globally, with solar PV leading the way.

Solar energy is now surpassing coal, nuclear, and natural gas for new capacity. Renewable energy technology and pricing have changed dramatically in the last decade, but there are still many myths about renewable energy that persist.

Should homeowners finance or lease solar power systems

There are now a variety of solar loans that allow solar shoppers to install a system for no money down! These loans do have associated fees that get passed down to the customers, but can still result in significant cost savings over time.

Until recently, solar leases were a very popular way for homeowners to go solar. For as little as no money down, a family could get a solar system installed on their roof.