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Solar Power

Here at Brightworks Energy, We Walk the Talk

If you follow us, you know that we often talk about the importance of using solar energy to save money and to be environmentally conscious. And at Brightworks Energy, we walk the talk. We Believe in Options One...

Why Solar Power is Better than Wind for Your Home

When it comes to green energy for residential purposes, solar comes out on top every time. While wind is an excellent option for larger areas with high winds, such as along coastlines, wind struggles when it comes to residential neighborhoods.

Turbines are highly sensitive and require very specific conditions in order to function efficiently, whereas solar is much more versatile.

Why you should offset your hydro bill with solar in Ontario

China produces the largest amount of solar power in the entire world. In fact, China produces more solar power than the United States, Italy, & the entire United Kingdom combined.

What are they doing differently than us?

Well, for starters, Solar Power is one of the largest industries in all of mainland China. In 2007, nearly half of the world’s production of Solar Panels happened there, although 99% of the panels were being exported to other countries.

Now, China has quadrupled its production of panels, surpassing the entire global demand.

However, China’s implementation of solar power doesn’t stop there – solar water heating is also used extensively throughout the entire country, & in 2015, 77.42 GW of Solar Energy were produced – meaning there was enough solar power generated to energize 59,554 homes for an entire year.

Should homeowners finance or lease solar power systems

There are now a variety of solar loans that allow solar shoppers to install a system for no money down! These loans do have associated fees that get passed down to the customers, but can still result in significant cost savings over time.

Until recently, solar leases were a very popular way for homeowners to go solar. For as little as no money down, a family could get a solar system installed on their roof.