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solar panels

Think Solar Isn’t Effective During the Winter? Think Again

For many Canadians looking to invest in a solar system for their homes and business, how effective the system will be year-round is often a top-of-mind question.

Specifically, they want to know if snow could hinder their ability to produce energy.

Here at Brightworks Energy, We Walk the Talk

If you follow us, you know that we often talk about the importance of using solar energy to save money and to be environmentally conscious. And at Brightworks Energy, we walk the talk. We Believe in Options One...

Why Solar Power is Better than Wind for Your Home

When it comes to green energy for residential purposes, solar comes out on top every time. While wind is an excellent option for larger areas with high winds, such as along coastlines, wind struggles when it comes to residential neighborhoods.

Turbines are highly sensitive and require very specific conditions in order to function efficiently, whereas solar is much more versatile.

Are Solar Panel Warranties Important?

Many solar shoppers are getting savvier. They are getting multiple bids from solar contractors for residential PV systems, but this can also cause confusion.

Once receiving these solar bids, shoppers must wade through a sea of solar equipment options, and it can be difficult to make an informed decision. It is important to closely examine the quality of the solar equipment before making a purchasing decision.

Solar panel warranties can vary among manufacturers, making it an important consideration before going solar. Product warranties help protect consumers enabling solar energy to be a safer long-term investment.